Get your mind right before starting your project


Show Notes:


Lets get our mind in the right place before you start your design and construction project. Every project has 5 elements that set the direction and success of a project. There are always two that come into question during the course of a project. Our goal is to have no issues but there is always one that arises.

5 factors

  • the site
  • the owner
  • the designer
  • the contractor
  • the budget

If we start reaching or have issues with more than two we are in a stressful project.

Everything that will make this project a success is hinging on you, the owner. You have the budget, You have the vision. You have an idea of your goals and where you want the project to go. It’s up to you to make sure that happens. You assemble the team. They may be the best group in the world, but you are the one spending the money and the one that will be living with the project, so it’s important that you make sure the project is meeting your goals.

Trust your team, but make sure you put all the proper safe guards in place. Get your contracts in order and signed early.

Embrace the journey you are about to go on. It will be a roller coaster of ups and downs, but continue to push through it and you will come out with a successful project if you treat everyone fairly and with respect.

There will be issues that arise. The goal of any project is to foresee as much into the future as possible. Not every issue can be foreseen and below are a few things that you can do as the owner to help guide you into a successful project.

There are 12 ways to get there.

    1. Learn about the process
    2. Think about what you want and why
    3. Talk to people that have done the same thing
    4. Aquire detailed plans
    5. Weigh your risks and benefits
    6. Study up on contractors
    7. Get contracts in place
    8. Stay in contact
    9. Evaluate what is being built
    10. Let the contractor manage his crew
    11. Create a sound budget
    12. Take notes

The last thing I wanted to say is

“You better keep good notes. Good notes and communication is what separates a good project from a bad one.”

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